1976 | Business | - The company was founded as Nippon Telecommunication Engineering Corporation with the Capital of 50 million yen
1978 | Business | - Launched technology transfer business
1980 | Business | - Established Society for Technology Transfer
- Infused with capital from Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Public Corporation (presently, NTT: Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation)
1981 | Business | - Opened new office in Yokosuka, Kanagawa
Technical | - Launched sound analysis service
1983 | Business | - Launched technology transfer abroad
1984 | Technical | - Optical fiber fabrication using VAD
1985 | Business | - Privatization of NTT
- Changed corporate name to NTT Technology Transfer Corporation
Increased capital to 170 million yen
Technical | - CDV (chemical vapor deposition) thin-film formation technology using ECR plasma
- Fabrications process for CMOS LSIs
- Fabrication of ultra-high-speed bipolar LSIs (SST process)
1986 | Technical | - Launched material analysis service
- Integrated circuit simulator
1987 | Technical | - SC optical fiber connector technology
- Multilayer board fabrication with copper/polyimide interconnection
- Design technology for 16QAW digital microwave equipment
1988 | Technical | - ISDN network simulator
- Launched EMC measurement service
- MMIC circuit design technology
1989 | Business | - Hiroaki Fuketa was appointed as President
Technical | - MT optical fiber connector technology
- MASH analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters
- Ordering system using F-Net (facsimile communication service)
1990 | Business | - Changed corporate name to NTT Advanced Technology Corporation
Increased capital to 470 million yen- Launched intellectual property business
1991 | Technical | - Digital service units (DSU) design technology for INS network service
- New synchronous terminal design technology
1992 | Technical | - MPO optical fiber connector technology
- Voice response system for telephone
- X-ray mask for next generation LSI
1993 | Business | - Launched worker dispatching business and network integration business
Technical | - Hi-PAS packaging technology
- Digital wireless circuit design technology
- MU optical fiber connector technology
- SIMOX basic technology
1994 | Business | - Opened new office in Higashi-totsuka, Kanagawa
- Launched new businesses related to education research, wireless technology and human interface
- Exceeded 10 billion yen in sales
Technical | - Equipment technology for digital motion picture files
- Speech database (CD-ROM) containing voice samples in 21 languages
- Objective measurement equipment for digital telephony speech quality
- CAD tool for ASIC reliability analysis
- Optical connector polisher for full range connectors
- Fabrications process for 0.8µn;m Bipolar-CMOS LSI
1995 | Business | - Changed abbreviation of corporate name into NTT-AT
- Established headquarters system in Head Office
- Expanded business fields into node systems, CAD software, visual communication systems
Technical | - Passive Double Star metdod technology
- LSI design technology for personal handyphone systems
- SIMOX board fabrication and quality evaluation technology
- Low-voltage LSI technology
- Intelligent hub technology
- Automated optical fiber interferometer system
1996 | Business | - Exceeded 20 billion yen in sales
- Reinforced fiber optics, radio wave technology and material analysis business
- Tetsuhiko Ikegami was appointed as President
Technical | - High-speed full-text search system
- ISDN communication board
- Super helpdesk service
- Super water-repellent material
1997 | Business | - Number of employees surpassed 1,000
- Established 6 Business Headquarters system
- Newly established International Business Promotion Headquarters
- Commended from NTT with the Prime Business Award
Technical | - Superlattice APD technology
- Copper CVD technology
- Automatic processing and interferometer system for optical connector ferrule
1998 | Business | - Exceeded 30 billion yen in sales
- Kimio Tazaki was appointed as President
- Opened West Headquarters in Osaka, and Okinawa Office
- Certified with ISO9001 for network and multimedia related systems
Technical | - www server software for financial systems
- Return loss measuring interferometer
- Temperature distribution measuring equipment for printed board
- Subscribers' wireless network design technology
- Technology for manufacturing polyimide optical waveguides
1999 | Business | - Exceeded 40 billion yen in sales
- Expanded fields certified with ISO9001 to communications systems and equipment, optical fiber connector related equipment and communications software
- Certified with ISO14001 aiming to develop environmental management technologies
- Moved Head Office to Shinjuku, Tokyo
Technical | - Launched total network security service
- Simple CTI system with voice recognition
- Connoisseur service for technology and products
- Automated E-mail classification and sending systems
2000 | Business | - Newly opened branch office in Hokkaido, Tohoku, Tokai and Kyushu to strengtden business base
- Opened customer contact center
- Established NTT-AT Systems Corporation and NTT-AT Techno Communications Corporation
Technical | - 2mm grid cable connector
- Electromagnetic environment design systems
- Optical fiber connector intermateability test program
- Disclosure support system for proceedings and images of local assembly
2001 | Business | - Achieved 50 billion yen in sales
- Opened branch office in the U.S.A. to develop international business
- Acquired the first certification of OHSAS18001 in NTT group
- Certified with ISO9001:2000 for network, information, communication and visual systems
- Established NTT-AT Intellectual Property Sharing Corporation
Technical | - Automated inspection tool for Java source code
- Simulation software for radio wave propagation
- Sound support system for elderly and hearing impaired
2002 | Business | - Increased capital to 5 billion yen to become 100% subsidiary of NTT
- Expanded fields certified with ISO9001:2000 to environmental sensors and services
- Certified with ISO14001 for entire NTT-AT
- Established NTT-AT Creative Corporation
Technical | - Polisher for mass-production of optical fiber connectors
- Biotelemetry system
- Corrosion resistant powder coating for steel facilities
- Optical fiber visual fault checker
- Dragmotion movie creation software
- High-quality voice syntdesizing system
- Japan and US business metdod patents information search service
- Wireless motion monitoring system
- Traffic measurement system for TCP/IP communication
- Optical fiber sensor for disaster prevention management
- Echo cancellation software with noise reduction
- Access control system using fingerprint autdentication
2003 | Business | - Certified with ISMS and BS7799-2 for Security Service Center
- ISO14001 for the entire NTT-AT group companies
- Established NTT-AT Nanofabrication Corporation
Technical | - Total support service for public wireless LAN interconnection
- Remote sensing and control system
- Objective measurement system for VoIP telephony speech quality
- Total EMC solutions for medical facilities
- Internal information leakage prevention system
- Laser manufacturing service for 2D-code plastic tag
- Automatically giving kana program along with the Chinese characters
2004 | Business | - Hiroshi Ishikawa was appointed as President
Technical | - Singing voice syntdesis technology
- Pocket size solar battery for portable devices
- Fine-hole fluorine resin sheet
- IP multicast viewing management system
- Visualizing system for IP network routing/signaling control information
- Lightning surge wave recorder
- Audio and visual recoderon PC
2005 | Business | - Global solutions business transferred from NTT-ME Corporation
- Established Communication Systems Business Headquarters to spread channel of international products
Technical | - Syntdesis system of high-reality 3D image
- Emergency reporting and gatdering system
2006 | Business | - 30th anniversary of the company's founding
- Acquisition of the Privacy Mark (P Mark) for all departments in NTT-AT
Technical | - AP2Checker: Tester for wireless LAN access points
- MediaSpark: Middleware for multicast communications
2007 | Business | - Shigehiko Suzuki appointed President
Technical | - ServDefense: Overload-protection software for servers
- LiveSpark
- UFC-100 Ultra Fiber Checker
- Q-pID OCR: Warehouse control system
- MINDS: PDF-FAX server
- NIRE Type 3: Active RFID system
- SDM Lite Ver.1.0: width='70'>2008
| Business | - Established 7 Business Headquarters & 2 Business centers system (reorganized into three business fields: infrastructure, solutions and product sales).
- ICT-24 Operation Center opened in Minatomirai, Kanagawa.
- Acquisition of all shares in Mtack Corporation, making it a wholly owned subsidiary.
- NTT-AT Mtack Corporation established.
Technical | - AT WATCH NET M3 System
- Q-pID Entry
- SDM Lite: All-in-one data mining navigation software (Ver.2.0)
- DiscussNetPremium
- JPEG2000 Real-Time Codec
- XG-2 Uncompressed HDTV-IP Gateway
- Tsunagete Talk (announcement broadcasting): IP announcement system
- Web Access Shaper 2.0: Web access optimizer
- QpIDeal Web System
2009 | Business | - All NTT-AT Group companies acquire ISO 27001:2005 certification
Technical | - AT WATCH NET Still
- KTN Scanner: Light-deflection module
- Smart SPR: Bio-material measurement system
2010 | Business | - Takashi Hanazawa appointed President
- 'KTN optical scanner' wins the 'CLEO/Laser Focus World Innovation Award' grand prize
- Established Shanghai representative office
- Merges with NTT-AT Nanofabrication Corporation
- RealTalk C7 received a Taipei Invention Award (Gold) at the 2010 Taipei International Invention Show & Technomart
Technical | - SIP Tool kit v5.5 GA3:Middleware for communication
- BEEDESK:HD Video conference SDK for Windows
- SSA-100:Simplicity Software Spectram Analyzer
- Fiber monitor
- RealTalk R7
- Optical connector end-face automatic detector: FBP-NS-P series
- BEEHD for Desktop v2.2
2011 | Business | - Received a Next generation accreditation mark “KURUMINN”
- Obtained all the stocks of NTT-AT Techno Communications Corporation to make it a wholly owned subsidiary
Technical | - Mobile video collaboration system: RealityVision
- Low-noise, power-saving illumination: EcolonLIGHT-LED
- Power-saving WDM: LightEdge4800
- Q&A releasing service for municipalities: MatchWeb mobile version
- Cloud-based call center service: MatchPhone ASP Home/Center
- Microphone and speaker for videoconferencing: R-Talk
- Web access optimizer: Web Access Shaper Cloud
2012 | Business | - Established the Productivity Innovation Department
- Joint Research by Nagareyama City Assembly, Manifest Laboratory, Waseda University, and NTT-AT on “Aiming to provide an assembly website created with public participation
- the NetEnforcer Streaming Cache Solution received a Special Award as part of the Interop Tokyo 2012 Best of Show Awards
Technical | - All-in-one appliance: Pivot3 “vSTAC series”
- CMS for release of municipality assembly information: GIKAI-web
2013 | Business | - Recognition engines「ISO9001」「ISO14001」「ISO27001」integrated
- Headquarter relocated to Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture
Technical | - DiscussCabinet, a cloud-based congressional document sharing system
- Verification/Operation Automation Solution - Smart Phone Compatibility
- HEVC-1000 SDK, a software encode engine codec development kit
- WinActor, a PC terminal manipulation automation tool for operation systems
- DiscussLearning, an E-learning service for areal congressional correspondents
2014 | Technical | - GE-100, a gateway emulator
- AVer EVC Series, an HD-quality video conference system
- Server Life Extension Solution, an internal information leak control
- WiFielder, a wireless LAN area simulation software
- Anuta Networks: “NCX” ”nCloudX”, SDN Orchestrators
- R-Talk1500, an intelligent microphone library
2015 | Business | - George Kimura appointed President
- Merger of KTN division into forefront products division headquarters
Technical | - R-Talk HS310, a high-noise control headset microphone
- Digital Forensic Service
- Cyber Security Incident Control Support Service
2016 | Business | - 40th anniversary of the company's founding
Two business headquarters established: Total Solutions Business Headquarters and Business Headquarters-West Two business headquarters renamed: Cloud Solutions Business Headquarters and Network and Software Business Headquarters - Interop Tokyo 2016 Best of Show Award: Viavi Solutions / PacketPortal IV won a semi-grand prix in the management and monitoring division
- Information Security Department established
Technical | - Panorama super-engine
- @GEO Compass, a regional information sharing platform for local government
- Concluded a business alliance with Fortinet and started to provide “FortiSandbox Support Service,” a security operation center (SOC) service
- “Soft Error Testing Service” using a compact accelerator neutron source
2017 | Business | Public Solutions Business Headquarters, Enterprise Solutions Business Headquarters, Security Business Headquarters, Cloud and IoT Business Headquarters, Global Business Headquarters and Sales Promotion Department established - Business operations related to acoustics and video transferred to NTT TechnoCross
- Network Technology Center renamed Business Intelligence and AI Center
- Received certification of “Platinum Kurumin”: recognizing a corporate culture that allows diverse human resources to fully demonstrate their skills
- Won “Gold” in “PRIDE Index,” an index for evaluating activities for sexual minority groups, such as LGBT
- ICT-24 Cloud Service received certification of compliance with ISO/IEC 27017, an international standard related to cloud security
- Intellectual Property Business Center renamed IPES Business Center
Technical | - @InfoCanal®, an information delivery service that supports bidirectional multi-device operation
- DiscussBox, an all-in-one assembly hall facility control system
- VIEWTOP, a scope with a built-in optical connector cleaner
- KTN Optical Scanner, a tool for 3D imaging of body tissues using a rigid endoscope
- “Known,” a sophisticated online learning platform
- English version of WinActor®, a robotic process automation (RPA) tool
- Comme@, a simple cloud-based contact service
- Countermeasures service for managed targeted attacks
- Security products with a comprehensive cyber-security compensation plan
- @InfoCanal, Household receiver for emergency information
- WiConductor, a cooperative wireless LAN solution
- Collaboration with NTT Com China regarding a system monitoring and maintenance service
- Joint research with NTT-AT Systems on a rescue support system using iROBOTICS drones
- NEOCLEAN®-EZ1 Plus, a waterproof optical connector cleaner
- Trusona#NoPasswords Solution
- HIP Switch Product Range
- WinActor® Ver.5.0, an RPA tool
- DocuSign® ASP Service, an electronic signature reading platform
- Collaboration with JB Service regarding an FFRI yarai maintenance service
- @Rispida®, an integrated risk management support system
- FFRI yarai Home and Business Edition
2018 | Business | |
Technical | - NEOCLEAN®-EZv, an optical connector cleaner for use in the broadcasting and video sectors
- WinActor® Ver.5.1, an RPA tool
- ATN-B921, an IR bullet-style networked camera that supports a SIM
- Functional extension of Comme@, a simple cloud-based contact service
- Home Delivery BOX with a built-in communication device
- Authentication solution combining Trusona#NoPasswords Solution and BIG-IP® APM, an access control solution from F5
- Arbor APS SOC Service, an anti-DDoS solution series
- ATP-3200, a new optical connector polishing machine
- EAP738, an indoor wireless LAN access point
- Authentication solution combining Trusona#NoPasswords Solution and DocuSign®, an electronic signature service
- Addition of English capability and a Chinese version to WinActor®, an RPA tool
- CS@T Kurabu®, a members-only communication service with cyber insurance
- World-first proof of operation of resource management of an FPGA circuit using OpenStack
- WinActor® Manager on Cloud, a cloud-based management service
- FR-1000, a face-to-face sound recording solution
- Automation of clerical work in a patent office in collaboration with Itoh International Patent Office
- Automatic Document Review System (prototype)
- WinDirector® powered by NTT-AT, a management and operation tool for WinActor®, an RPA tool
- In-Vehicle Gas Pipeline Inspection Service
- NetworkBrain, a map-based network automation product
2019 | Business | Solutions Business Headquarters, AI and Robotics Business Headquarters, Rapid Development Center, and Network and Security Management Center established Productivity Innovation Department renamed Digital Transformation Promotion Department - Concluded an MOU with Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad
- Interop Tokyo 2019 Best of Show Award: NetworkBrain, a map-based network visualization, automation and management product, won a grand-prix in the management division, and ROME500, an optical connection switching robot, won a jury’s special award in the optical division
- Received certification of “Eruboshi (third stage),” a certification system based on the Act on Promotion of Women’s Participation and Advancement in the Workplace
- Became the first to publish an official CISSP workbook
- Completed the conversion of core business systems to cloud-based ones within six months using SAP S/4HANA® Cloud
- Total number of companies introducing WinActorR, an RPA tool, reached 4,000
Technical | - Reported the results of a feasibility test of a shared-use RPA for local government
- BlackRidge TAC Solution, which adopts first packet authentication, a patented technology
- Partnership with VDOO and Macnica Networks in the IoT security field
- WinActor® Ver.6.0, an RPA tool
- Partnership with Arise Innovation in the provision of AI-OCR
- Concluded an exclusive distributorship agreement for the Japanese market of ROME, an optical connection switching robot, with Wave2Wave in the U.S., and Hakuto
- The latest version of MatchContactSolution®, a contact center solution
- Comme@CS non-face-to-face remote support solution, a cloud-based contact service
- SmartShell™ and RoboReview™, a Web application for US patent application process automation
- WinActor® Manager on Cloud Ver.2.0, a cloud-based management service
- Succeeded in raising sensitivity and reducing noise of an accelerator sensor, in collaboration with Tokyo Institute of Technology
- WinActor® Cast on Call, a metered-rate cloud-based automation service
- AI Contract-Review Process Support System 'Intelligent Contract Checker' Version1 Release